- January 29, 2025
Total calls for service – Belleville Police responded to 85 calls for service over a 24-hour period beginning at 5:00 am on January 28, 2025 to 5:00 am on January 29, 2025.
Break and Enter and Breach of Probation
On the 29th of January at 3:49am, Belleville Police received a call from a homeowner advising that their 36-year-old son who was not welcome in the home had just broken in through a window. Police attended to the residence which was in the city’s east end. The suspect had fled prior to police arrival. Police searched the area and located the male. He was arrested and charged with break and enter and breach of Probation. The Belleville man was held for a bail hearing.
Traffic enforcement leads to suspended driver
On the 28th of January at 12:55pm, an officer on patrol was travelling on Moira St. West and observed an ambulance travelling with it’s lights and siren activated. The officer observed two vehicles pull over to the right however one specific vehicle failed to pull over for the ambulance. The officer stopped the vehicle in question. The officer learned that the 75-year-old male driver from Belleville was a suspended driver. As a result, the driver was charged with driving while suspended and failing to stop on the right for an emergency vehicle. The driver was issued a summons for a traffic court date in March.